India’s new cheap travel search launched is the newest entrant in the online travel search market, and has started its service by offering a comprehensive real-time price information of flights and bus travel in India. is trying to be India’s leading price comparison website by enabling consumers to search, find, and compare a complete range of products and services best suited to their requirements. users will benefit from choosing and comparing from hundreds of flight options with all available real-time price and itinerary combinations, as well as results displayed according to relevancy.

I did a sample check on flights between Bangalore and Delhi and was impressed by the results, as well as the filters and options available.

“For Indian travellers who prefer to be price conscious, this site will offer a compelling value proposition. The users will be able to search for the cheapest fares online, regardless of where they’re based” said Mr. H. Tanna, Director – Operations, ES Group India.

When asked how will differentiate its offering from the existing players online travel meta search, Tanna responded – “Travel is just one of the first product from our portfolio of services. We will be India’s first Online Comparison Portal offering services ranging from Travel, Hotels, Tour Packages, Broadband, Electronics, Finance and so on. We will keep innovating and helping our users to get best deals available”.

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