Lufthansa experiencing flight disruptions due to cabin crew strike

Germany’s cabin-crew union, Unabhaengige Flugbegleiterorganisation UFO e.V., began a six hour “warning strike” at airports in Berlin and Frankfurt at 06:00 (05:00GMT) today, and Deutsche Lufthansa AG is already experiencing delays and disruptions to its flights.

The union, is requesting a 15 per cent pay increase, bigger bonuses and improved working conditions. Negotiations between the union and the airlines broke off earlier this month.

Last Friday, January 23rd, the UFO members went on a three hour “warning strike” which caused Lufthansa to cancel 44 European and domestic flights. The backlog and delays took Frankfurt airport over six hours to clear, after the strike ended. This time the strike is twice the duration, which will end only at 12:00 (11:00GMT). There is bound to be significant disruption, cancellations, delays, and congestion that should last the whole day, and possibly stretch in to the night.

While Lufthansa spokespersons are indicating the airline “will try to minimize the impact for customers booked on long-distance flights”, Lufthansa passengers are bound to have a difficult and uncertain time at both Frankfurt and Berlin airports.

Trains or an alternate airline might be the better option today.

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