Video: Boeing 787 Dreamliner ZA002 N787EX roll out

Thanks again to Liz Matzelle we have a video of Boeing 787 Dreamliner number two (ZA002) being rolled out to the flight line.

I am a little surprised the plane is painted in the livery of launch customer All Nippon Airways since this aircraft does not have a customer. ZA002 bearing test registration N787EX can be expected to fly about three weeks after the first Dreamliner ZA001 bearing test registration N787BA will.

I was also a little surprised on the registration. Based on the series, one would logically expect ZA002 to be registered as N787BB since ZA001 is registered N787BA. A check of the FAA database shows a Raytheon G36 single engine turbo-prop registered as N787BB. What a pity.

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