Air India staff pool money and pay for bereaved passenger’s ticket

PTI reports that in a show of compassion, Air India staffers and officials at New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International (IGI) airport, pooled money to pay for the ticket of a bereaved passenger who had to rush to Chennai but was short of cash.

M Pandian had lost one of his dear ones in Chennai and reached IGI airport in the morning with a hope of getting a seat in one of the low-cost carriers.

“After reaching airport, Pandian was unable to get a low priced ticket” an airport official said.

With great hopes Pandian reached the Air India ticketing counter where he found the ticket price to be Rs 5,059.

Unfortunately, he had only Rs 4,200 in cash and had no ATM or credit card. Seeing his desperate plight, Air India officials present at the spot came to his rescue and pooled the deficit amount to pay for his ticket on flight IC-429.

Pandian profusely thanked them for their humanitarian gesture and took the flight.

Compare this humanitarian gesture of these junior staffers with the blackmail resorted to by the executive pilots who earn hundreds of thousands of rupees each month.

Bangalore Aviation salutes you.

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