Bangalore Aviation features on Mashable’s list of 28 Awesome Aviation Pros on Twitter

For Mashable, the ultimate social media guide, Shashank Nigam the CEO of, an award-winning blog on airline branding prepared a list of 28 Awesome Aviation Pros on Twitter which includes Bangalore Aviation.

No one knows Indian aviation better than Devesh Aggarwal. Once a million-miler with Singapore Airlines, he’s now based out of Bangalore and runs the Bangalore Aviation blog. The insights and statistics on Indian aviation that he shares on Twitter are a revelation. He also knows the best kebab places in Bangalore (and has taken me to some of them, too!)

I am truly honoured that Shashank places me along with aviation greats including himself. Follow the greats on the list, and Shashank at @simpliflying.

Follow Bangalore Aviation on Twitter.

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