India Budget 2010: Impact on the aviation sector

Keeping in mind the five year term of the Lok Sabha, the first year is the thank you budget, years two and three are the hard and bold budgets, year four is the status-quo budget, and year five is the populist budget meant to garner votes. With coalition politics in full sway, the union budget…

AirAsia fiscal 2009 performance review

AirAsia Berhad announced net profits of RM549 million ($162 million) for the full year 2009 despite what is described as the worst year in aviation history. While globally passenger demand fell by 3.5%, AirAsia grew its passenger numbers by 21% to 14.25 million for the Malaysian operation. The combined Malaysian, Thailand andIndonesian operations forming the…

Indian airline market overview for 2010

I was recently interviewed by AirObserver on the outlook for 2010 for carriers in India, with a specific focus on the low fare / value carrier segment. Please read the interview here. For an in-depth feature comparison between various Indian carriers I recommend this article . I also recommend these articles as additional reading for…

Preparing for the Lufthansa pilots’ strike next week

Lufthansa and other German carriers face significant flight disruptions starting next week thanks to a strike call by the German pilots’ union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) in a four-day walkout from 22 to 25 February. Lufthansa is taking proactive action to minimise impact of flight disruptions on passengers. Passengers from India are advised to call the…