More images from Aero India – Grippen, Sarang, Sitara, Super Hornet, Rafale,

Still have about 6,000 photos to sort through. In the mean time, some more opening day photos from Vedant, a Bangalore Aviation photographer. See more of his pictures here. Click on the images for a larger view.

The Saab Gripper shows off its moves.
Saab Grippen Aero IndiaThe Indian Air Force helicopter demonstration team Sarang performs the dangerous 4 aircraft cross. The sweep diameter of the props makes this dangerous.
Indian Air Force Sarang Helicopter team crossThe Intermediate Jet Trainer prototype Sitara.
HAL Intermediate Jet Trainer SitaraThe U.S. Navy Boeing F/A-18F (F=Fighter A=Attack)
U.S. Navy Boeing F/A-18F Super HornetThe French Air Force (Armee De L’Air) Dassault Rafale. Watch the birdie.
Armee De L'Air French Air Force Dassault Rafale

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