Weekly Airline Stock Update – BAASA Index Shows a Mixed Bag

Last week, Bangalore Aviation introduced the BAASA Index, the world’s first index of 30 airline stocks measured from a 3,000 point base value and designed to provide a broad based measure of airline financial performance and investor confidence in the airline industry.

Over the past week, the BAASA index fell 0.49% to close at 2985.80 points. Performance was mixed across the board by region, though Asia-Pacific outperformed the pack (excluding Qantas).

The weakest performers were Qantas, who suffered a precipitous 30% decline in shares, primarily on recent worries over Qantas reporting a 90% drop in profits for the past fiscal year, and airberlin, which fell 15.56%

On the plus side, Jet Airways, jetBlue, and Air Canada each rose more than 7% over the week, with Air Canada leading the pack with an 8.14% rise.

Here is the full table of values for this week. The initial prices (normalized to 100) can be found here.All values are as

Asia-Pacific Value % Change
Jet Airways 107.04 7.04%
Singapore Airlines 100.50 0.50%
China Southern 104.74 4.74%
ANA 104.33 4.33%
Korean Air 102.21 2.21%
AirAsia 103.39 3.39%
Qantas 70.00 -30.00%
Cathay Pacific 101.34 1.34%
Air China 102.96 2.96%
North America    
United 97.24 -2.76%
Delta 90.41 -9.59%
Southwest 101.14 1.14%
US Airways 91.71 -8.29%
jetBlue 107.16 7.16%
WestJet 102.52 2.52%
Air Canada 108.14 8.14%
Allegiant 98.89 -1.11%
IAG(British Airways/Iberia) 105.91 5.91%
Lufthansa Group 100.66 0.66%
Air France- KLM 96.55 -3.45%
Ryanair  101.21 1.21%
EasyJet 99.76 -0.24%
Turkish Airlines 105.08 5.08%
AirBerlin 84.44 -15.56%
Norwegian Air Shuttle 101.90 1.90%
Middle East    
Air Arabia 98.63 -1.37%
Kenya Airways 98.33 -1.67%
Latin America    
Copa Airlines 95.72 -4.28%
LAN Airlines 104.51 4.51%
Aeromexico 99.31 -0.69%
Total 2985.30 – 0.49%

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