Complete and unedited video of Indian Air Force chief NAK Browne’s press interaction at Aero India 2013

The interaction with the Chief of Staff of the Indian Air Force, Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne, at the biennial Aero India 2013 air show, is always attended in force by members of the Indian and foreign media.

During his hour long interaction the chief addressed a wide variety of issues on various programmes, budgets, strategies, needs, achievements, including operations in the Naxal affected areas. We bring you the entire one hour interaction, unedited, for your listening pleasure. The lighting in the hall was very low and hence the flicker on the video. Our apologies for the poor quality.

A clarification, I was unwell on the day, and could not attend the seminar the chief refers around 8m45s mark in the video. So appreciate the time taken by the chief and his advice to captains of industry.

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