Japan ‘bans’ Air India’s Dreamliners

Japanese government irritated by Air India’s inefficiency by Devesh Agarwal About three weeks ago I wrote debunking the myth being created by the Air India management and their political bosses about the fuel efficient Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft being the saviour of the beleaguered national carrier. Read the Op-Ed piece here. In June no less…

787 Dreamliners alone cannot save an inefficient Air India

by Devesh Agarwal Recent media reports blare the headline The Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the latest acquisition of Air India, is likely to shore up the fortune of India’s national carrier. This is backed by the many advertisements portraying some of the top Indian CEOs, giving big thumbs up after travelling in the next generation flying…

Guest Post: India scraps Aircraft Acquisition Committee

by Ashwin Jadhav The aircraft acquisition process for airlines in India The Indian government has scrapped its aircraft acquisition committee (AAC), meaning domestic airlines will find it easier to import aircraft. After allowing 49% FDI (foreign direct investment) by foreign airlines, in the Indian airline sector, the government last week moved a step closer to…