Airlines instructed not to carry pets to Bangalore

I have been a dog-lover since childhood. I grew up with Silky, a Lhasa Apso, Snooty and Growler, two Spitzes. In the US, Keesha, a Keeshound kept me company. Today our family includes two Champions, Brandy, an Irish Setter, and Isis, the only female Giant Schnauzer in India. I flew with Isis from the USA…

Customs to shift all operations to BIAL airport

Back in June, I led a high level delegation of industries on a visit of the air cargo facilities run by Menzies Aviation Bobba Group, and Air India Singapore Airport Terminal Services at Bengaluru International Airport. (Read that article). We observed that the Indian Customs Authority did not have a full presence at BIAL airport,…

Industry supply chain leaders visit BIAL cargo complex

On Friday, 13 June 2008, I had the privilege of leading a delegation of senior supply chain managers from member companies of the Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BCIC) on a visit of the two cargo terminals operated by Menzies Aviation Bobba (Bangalore) and Air India Singapore Airport Terminal Services (AI-SATS) at BIAL airport.…

BIAL’s cargo warehouse in shambles

Airports in the 21st century, are like the ports and railway junctions of the 19th and 20th century — critical drivers of economic growth. As individuals, we look to the glamour and prestige associated with passenger air travel, while tending to overlook the air cargo requirements of commerce and industry which is drives the economic…

Customs “commercialising” its airport operations

Taking a cue from other statutory bodies like the Airports Authority of India (AAI), and Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), the Indian Customs authorities have demanded payment for their services rendered at the private operated airports like Bengaluru International Airport (BIA) and Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA). Up till now, while AAI and CISF used…