Cathay Pacific July 2013 traffic results

Hong Kong based full service carrier Cathay Pacific Airways posted its consolidated (including regional arm Dragonair) traffic results for July 2013, showing an increase in passenger traffic offset by a decrease in cargo tonnage. Find the details below. 20th August 2013 Cathay Pacific Airways today released combined Cathay Pacific and Dragonair traffic figures for July…

Trivia quiz: Big planes on short flights

by Devesh Agarwal LoganAir. Photo by Dave Wheeler. Used under CC license. While many of us will be aware of the longest non-stop flights; Singapore Airline’s soon to be withdrawn Newark Singapore and Los Angeles Singapore, and Qantas’ Sydney Dallas-Fort Worth which become the longest; how many of us are aware of the shortest non-stop…

Cathay Pacific Group – financial and operational results for 2012

by Devesh Agarwal Cathay Pacific Group FY2012 overall results Hong Kong based, Cathay Pacific Group reported an attributable profit of HK$916 million (approximately $118.08 million) for 2012 – an 83.3% fall compared to the profit of HK$5,501 million reported for 2011, even though turnover for the year increased by 1.0% to HK$99,376 million (approximately $12.81…

Night plane spotting images from Bangalore airport

Today, some night plane spotting photos for your enjoyment. Spotting at night throws up some unique challenges. The aircraft need to be stationary, and the photographer requires good anticipation to capture the image in those few seconds between an aircraft’s arrival at the gate and it being swarmed by ground support equipment and people, or…

The shortest flight between Bangalore and San Francisco

Despite the downturn in the IT market, San Francisco is still one of the top destinations from Bangalore – if not first, then definitely a close second, and Singapore Airlines and fellow Asian carriers Dragonair and it’s parent Cathay Pacific has traditionally dominated this market. Traditional thinking at airlines believes that passengers prefer a shorter…