First anniversary of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks – never forget and do not forgive

It is ironic and symbiotic that today marks a day of giving thanks in two of the largest democracies of the world – India and the United States. In India it is the first anniversary of the dastardly and murderous rampage by Pakistan based, aided, and assisted terrorists, that began one year ago at precisely…

Intruding Volga Dnepr Antonov AN-124 finally departs Mumbai

The intruding Volga Dnepr Antonov Anotnov AN124 finally departed Mumbai late on Saturday evening at 22:39 (17:09Z). The aircraft apparently has been “wet leased” i.e. aircraft and crew, by the US military for supply flights between the US base at Deigo Garcia in the southern Indian ocean and Kandahar in Afghanistan. The aircraft has made…

Ladder point checking to be introduced at airports

With terror threat on the aviation sector looming large, Government has decided to introduce checking of passengers at ladder-points in all functional airports across the country and enhance the strength of sky marshals on more flights. These and other measures were reviewed at a meeting Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel had with airport operators, airlines…

Shooting scare at New Delhi airport

All the major airports across India have been turned in to fortresses following perceived threats. The jitters created a security scare at New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International airport in the early hours of Friday, and triggered panic among passengers and sent security officials into a tizzy. The chaos began when a sound similar to gunshots…

‘Pakistan will have to pay a heavy price’

My good friend K.B. Syed, recommended this article as a counter balance to the Arvind Lavakere article. It is not my intention to turn this in to a religious or ethic debate, but rather to raise awareness, on the methods, blatant and devious, used to divide us, instead of uniting us. In this regard, my…

Omkar Goswami: I Accuse

In an open letter to the Prime Minister, Dr. Omkar Goswami says our governments have created a state that is completely unprepared to deal with growing terrorism. Dear Prime Minister On 13 January 1898, Emile Zola wrote an open letter to the French president in a major daily titled J’Accuse (I Accuse). It accused the…

Mumbai terror attacks – It was a national humiliation

I came across this rather provocative article, and while I do not fully subscribe to the author’s views, it nonetheless raises some interesting questions about governance in a democratic system, and the tendency of politicians to subvert the democratic ideals in favour of vote-bank politics. Having spent a significant portion of my life outside India,…