Analysis – Jet Airways decision to axe Chennai-Brussels and add Bangalore-Munich is viable

It has been almost a month since India’s largest airline Jet Airways announced that it was cancelling its flights between Chennai (India’s third largest city) and its once robust scissors hub in Brussels, and I still am having trouble fully understanding the impetus behind the decision, though I do believe that there is a scenario…

Analysis: Indian carriers get new international flying rights

Late yesterday, India’s ministry of civil aviation (MoCA) announced the latest allocation of traffic rights to Indian carriers. Traffic rights granted effective Summer 12 Spicejet – 7 services/week for Delhi-Kabul, Delhi-Guangzhou, Madurai-Colombo, Hyderabad-Bangkok, Trivandrum-Male, Cochin-Male, Delhi-Dubai, Mumbai-Dubai, Delhi-Hong Kong, Delhi-Riyadh. Jet Airways – 4 services/week on Guwahati-Dhaka, 7 services/week each on Mumbai-Chittagong, Kochi-Kuwait, Mumbai-Kuwait, Trivandrum-Dubai,…

Lufthansa analysis, Part 1 – Cutting capacity to boost profitability

When OneWorld members British Airways and Iberia together announced a 555 million Euro net profit under the umbrella of International Airlines Group (IAG), it provided almost a calming influence to the volatile European airline industry. After financial failures of Hungarian carrier Malev and Spanish carrier Spanair, earlier this year, many in the global analyst community…

Singapore Airlines increases frequency to Mumbai and Delhi

With the global economy increasing in select geographies, Singapore Airlines (SIA) is making changes to its route network in the coming months. Frequency to Mumbai and Delhi will meanwhile be increased from March and June 2010, respectively. Flights will be operated twice-daily to both Indian cities, up from the existing 11-times-weekly. Effective 18 December, the…