Indian aviation 2012 review Part 1: Overall trends

by Vinay BhaskaraThis is part 1 of our 2012 review of Indian aviation. Part 2 will come next week with a carrier by carrier review of  2012 in Indian aviation. When the story of Indian commercial aviation in 2012 is told, the overarching narrative across almost the entire industry will be one of cautious optimism (though…

How India’s airline market lost its way

The following was posted as a guest post over at The Wandering Aramean, a great travel blog written by Seth Miller which also doubles as a travel tool site. Be sure to check his site out, and stay tuned, as we will have some guest content from him this week. When India’s Jet Airways, Kingfisher…

Restoring India’s Aviation Competitiveness: Tony Tyler

The following speech was given by the CEO of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Tony Tyler, at the India Aviation 2012 Air Show in Hyderabad. Our comments are included in the quote and are italicized and colored red. Good morning and thank you for the invitation to address the opening session of this important…

Taxes killing aviation – Interview with Dr. Vijay Mallya

Kingfisher Airlines Chairman, Dr. Vijay Mallya, in an interview with Ashwini Phadnis of the Hindu Business Line claims it is “Taxes, not over-capacity, that is killing the Indian civil aviation sector”. The business logic to Dr. Mallya’s statement is to reduce fares by reducing the ridiculous taxation structure on Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF), which ensures…

The great Indian wine war

WINE PRICES IN BANGALORE HEADED INTO THE STRATOSPHERE ! You might be surprised at a wine article in my aviation blog, but wine is a subject close to my heart. The convoluted alcoholic beverages policy in India, makes each state, akin to another country, each with their own cumbersome taxes and regulations. The recent collapse…